Category: Finance.
Through means on technology, almost any kind of purchase can be made online. All you need is some time to browse for what you need, and a valid credit card at hand.
From groceries, subscriptions for comics or magazines, home appliances and, to DVD movies furniture, the World Wide Web has everything. You can buy videogames online, or pay for subscriptions, contribute to the sites you visit or make donations. But, do you have any clue about what goes on whenever you place the number of your credit card on the blanks and check out of the virtual store with your purchases? You can actually" put" clothes in a virtual shopping cart and make the purchase. The process that takes place when you hit the" buy" button is called an online credit card transaction. The virtual store that you want to buy from will ask for your name and credit card number.
For an online credit card transaction there are several things that you do. The online credit card transaction system will verify whether or not the credit card is owned by the name specified. Then, the online credit card transaction is sent by the system to the credit card company with the purpose of being recorded. This step is actually optional since not everyone uses their own credit card, and the name is most of the times written on the credit card anyway. It is worth to know that the currency is specified with the online credit card transaction since not all transactions made are in American dollars. Don t get any ideas, it is fraud to answer" no" if you did make the transaction. Some companies send a verification e- mail to verify if you made such a transaction.
If you do not answer in a certain period of time, the credit card is usually suspended.
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